We are a group of V/2 grade students from elementary school "Skadarlija" from Belgrade, Serbia and are called: Gavrilo, Jana, Teodora,Pavle and Vanja. Together with our English professor Aleksandra, we came to the idea of making our blog. We are very interested in creative work and for educating young people. We hope that you will like our blog and that you will lead a healthy life.
In agreement with our English professor, we came up with the idea to make a blog on food. to tell young people what they can eat and what is harmful. We have used many sources from the Internet and we hope that we have been able to start and explain some things about food in the beginning. We will continue to collect information and show them on our blog in the hope that young people will realize that many things about food are doing wrong. There are two sections on the blog: healthy food and unhealthy foods, by entering into them you can read everything that needs to be learned from food that is healthy and what can be very harmful to your health. Food is the source of life on earth besides water and the atmosphere on plays an important role in our lives. The food is divided into foods of plant origin and food of animal origin by food. Food provides us with vitamins, fats, proteins, energy and sugar. Types of food are: -fruits and vegetables, -Meat, fish, eggs and beans, ...
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